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Sunday, July 14, 2024 • Pastor Joe
As we have discussed, after the Rapture of the Church, the world will suffer God's judgment. Tribulation Believers will need encouragement.
Sunday, June 9, 2024 • Pastor Joe
As the chosen vessel of God's salvific plan for the entire world, Israel has long been the target of the devil's wrath. That wrath continues into the Great Tribulation, but God's sovereign grace provides for and protects Israel's godly remnant.
Sunday, June 2, 2024 •
As the 7th Trumpet sounded, a loud chant of praise and thanksgiving erupted in heaven. This praise was focused on the Kingdom coming to earth. How did God lose His Kingdom that He should get it back in the future, and what hope do Believers have in its return?
Sunday, May 26, 2024 • Pastor Joe
As part of the interlude following the sounding of the sixth Trumpet, a second vision focuses on the Temple and two mysterious witnesses who minister with supernatural powers. Who are they, and what is their relationship to the temple?
Sunday, May 5, 2024 • Pastor Joe
After an interlude which answered questions about the salvation of individuals during the Great Tribulation, the scene in Heaven continued with Trumpets detailing the cataclysms associated with the sixth seal.
Sunday, April 28, 2024 • Pastor Joe
After the sixth seal had revealed its judgment, John saw a new vision involving a numbered group divinely sealed for protection and an unnumbered larger group standing before the Throne. What connection exists between the two groups?
Sunday, April 21, 2024 • Pastor Joe
Now that the Lamb has taken the seven-sealed scroll (5:1-14), God's judgment of the world commences. Last week, we studied the first half of the Tribulation (6:1-8). Today, we look at the breaking of the fifth and sixth seals and the events corresponding to the second half of Tribulation, known as the Great Tribulation.
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