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Sunday, November 10, 2024 • Pastor Joe
Leviticus is ignored and/or avoided by many Christians, yet this Old Testament book was vitally important to God's people who needed a means of restoring fellowship with God lost through sin. Today we study a chapter that details the Peace Offering and its contemporary relevance. This message was delivered by Pastor Joe Hancock at Gulf Coast Fellowship on November 10, 2024
Sunday, August 6, 2023 •
Since we have referenced the Mosaic Law many times in our study of Galatians and there is still confusion about the Church's relationship to it, today's study invites us to THINK DEEPLY about this issue.
Sunday, March 19, 2023 •
In Act 1 Scene 1, Hosea obeyed God and married Gomer, a woman with an adulterous heart. This marriage symbolized God's experience of Israel's spiritual adultery (idolatry). By the third child, the marriage covenant (the Mosaic Law) was threatened with dissolution. In this scene, readers attend "Divorce Court." As before, God offers hope to His people.
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