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Sunday, December 22, 2024 • Pastor Joe
Many people worldwide celebrate Christmas, even as they miss out on the true significance of the day. A journey back to full and complete appreciation of Christmas is a spiritual journey which we will conclude today as we look at the GREATEST Journey to Christmas.
Sunday, July 7, 2024 • Pastor Joe
After the Beast arose from the sea/abyss, the Dragon conjures a second Beast, this one from the earth. This second beast will support the Antichrist's counterfeit Millennial Kingdom by forming an unholy Trinity.
Sunday, December 13, 2020 •
With the Christmas story as backdrop, Dennis Poulette discusses the attitude displayed by the Second Person of the Trinity taking on a human nature, and how His attitude is intended to influence His followers today,
Impact others outside of our area and spread the Word through missions and outreaches.
Fellowship with others and build uplifting relationships in a fun, family environment.