Missed a powerful sermon or eager to revisit a message that spoke to your heart? Look no further! Our Church Media page is your portal to a treasure trove of inspiration. Dive into the wisdom and teachings shared during our past sermons, available for convenient selection and viewing below.
Sunday, December 29, 2024 • Pastor Joe
The Psalms were Israel's inspired hymnal. We don't know the tunes to which they were sung, but like any worship song, the words are the most important feature. Psalm 40 was a Davidic composition suitable for a new year's reflection.
Sunday, December 31, 2023 • Pastor Joe
The Psalms were Israel's inspired hymnal. We don't know the tunes to which they were sung, but like any worship song, the words are the most important feature. Psalm 62 reminds Believers that God, and He alone, is our only true refuge when the enemy attacks.
Sunday, January 1, 2023 •
The Psalms were Israel's inspired hymnal. We don't know the tunes to which they were sung, but like any worship song, the words are the most important feature. Psalm 88 has been called, "the saddest psalm in the psalter" because the author received no answer to his prayer.
Sunday, January 2, 2022 •
Leviticus is a book that is largely ignored or avoided by many Christians, yet this Old Testament book was vitally important to God's people who needed a means of restoring fellowship with God lost through sin. Today we study a small yet significant passage that focuses on the Jewish New Year celebration and the impact it holds for NT Believers.
Sunday, December 26, 2021 •
The Psalms were Israel's inspired hymnal. We don't know the tunes to which they were sung, but like any worship song, the words are the most important feature. Psalm 145 recognizes God's worthiness of perpetual praise from His people as the Great King. What a way to begin a new year!
Sunday, January 31, 2021 •
Uncertainty defines a new year. Challenges domestic and foreign threaten our future way of life. How can we NOT be anxious? The Psalms were Israel's inspired hymnal. We don't know the tunes to which they were sung or the instruments used for their accompaniment. But like any worship song, it's the words that are most important.
Sunday, December 29, 2019 •
With a new year just around the corner, it is important to remember the reason for our church's existence. We carry the treasure of the Gospel in earthen vessels (our bodies) and have been left on earth with an important task until Jesus returns. This morning, I want to share four reasons why we must share the Good News in the new year.
Sunday, December 31, 2017 •
Tomorrow marks the beginning of a New Year and resolution-making is practiced by many. Resolutions are promises. As Believers in covenant relationship with God, we have obligated ourselves to keep certain promises made to God. What are they?
Impact others outside of our area and spread the Word through missions and outreaches.
Fellowship with others and build uplifting relationships in a fun, family environment.