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Sunday, November 24, 2024 • Pastor Joe
Leviticus is ignored and/or avoided by many Christians, yet this Old Testament book was vitally important to God's people who needed a means of restoring fellowship with God lost through sin. Today, we focus on Believers' thanksgiving for EVERYTHING with God's commandments regarding the Land Sabbath, from Leviticus 25.
Sunday, May 22, 2022 •
Jesus' conflict with the Pharisees over Sabbath-keeping was so intense that it would eventually lead to conspiracy for His murder. God gives laws (like the Sabbath), but how should disciples view them?
Sunday, May 31, 2020 •
The Hebrew word for rest is Sabbath. The author contrasts the rest promised Israel in the Old Testament with the rest God promises in the New Testament. In both cases, God's rest is based on creation! How do people claim God's promise of rest (Sabbath)?
Sunday, November 19, 2017 •
Last week's study examined Jesus' healing ministry and the existing sin-sickness connection. The healing was controversial to some because it occurred on the Sabbath. Jesus' response to the charges brought by the religious establishment is the subject of today's study.
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