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Missed a powerful sermon or eager to revisit a message that spoke to your heart? Look no further! Our Church Media page is your portal to a treasure trove of inspiration. Dive into the wisdom and teachings shared during our past sermons, available for convenient selection and viewing below.


Jesus on Prayer, Part 2: Does God Answer Prayer? (Luke 11:5-13)

Sunday, October 20, 2024 • Pastor Joe

Luke's Gospel mentioned prayer more than the other Gospels. It was obviously Jesus' exemplary prayerlife that prompted a question from one of the disciples about how His followers should pray. In response, Jesus' answered two common concerns many people have about prayer. The first was discussed in Part 1, "For what should we pray?" The second was, "Does God answer our prayers?"

Jesus on Prayer, Part 1: For What Should We Pray (Luke 11:1-4)

Sunday, October 13, 2024 • Pastor Joe

Luke's Gospel mentioned prayer more than the other Gospels. It was obviously Jesus' exemplary prayerlife that prompted a question from one of the disciples about how His followers should pray. In response, Jesus' answered two common concerns many people have about prayer. The first was, "For what should we pray?"

THINKING DEEPLY: Stage Setting in the Last Days (Various Scripture)

Sunday, June 23, 2024 • Pastor Joe

Jesus told His disciples to be watchful of prophetic signs (Matthew 24:32-33). Many of these signs are dependent upon discoveries, inventions and events which could not have been understood or appreciated just a few decades ago. This morning, we "Think Deeply" about a few signs that set the stage for the Tribulation and the return of Jesus. There is no audio only available for this message.

CIT 2023 Correcting Misconceptions, Part 2 (various scripture)

Friday, October 13, 2023 • Pastor Joe

We continue our annual Church in Training by discussing several common misconceptions of evangelism, the first step in Making Disciples.

CIT 2023 Correcting Misconceptions, Part 1 (various scripture)

Sunday, October 1, 2023 •

We continue our annual Church in Training by discussing several common misconceptions of evangelism, the first step in Making Disciples. This message was delivered by Pastor Joe Hancock at Gulf Coast Fellowship on October 1, 2023.

A Meal to Remember (Mark 14:12-26)

Sunday, January 15, 2023 •

Knowing His death was near, Jesus desired to spend one more Passover with His disciples. Jesus transformed the annual meal celebrating Israel's deliverance from Egyptian bondage into a celebration of His own sacrifice for deliverance from the bondage of sin. This ritual, now celebrated by all of God's people, remembers three things.

THINKING DEEPLY: The Millennial Kingdom

Sunday, November 20, 2022 •

Jesus' response to the disciples' question about the kingdom (Mark 13) has received various interpretations over the history of the Church. Today's study invites us to THINK DEEPLY about the nature of the Kingdom Jesus proclaimed.

Scriptures: Revelation 20:1-6

Prophecy for Dummies, Part 2 (Mark 13:24-37)

Sunday, November 13, 2022 •

Today's study completes our study of the Olivet Discourse. This sermon was Jesus' response to the disciples' questions about the Messianic Kingdom and the end of the age.

THINKING DEEPLY: Christians & Exorcisms

Sunday, September 11, 2022 •

There are exorcisms in Mark's Gospel performed by Jesus and His disciples. Are exorcisms something in which today's disciples participate? Today's study invites us to THINK DEEPLY about this issue.

Steering Clear of Status-driven Strife (Mark 9:30-50)

Sunday, September 4, 2022 •

Unable to grasp the meaning of Jesus' second passion statement, the disciples argue over greatness. Jesus takes the opportunity to teach them a valuable lesson about how greatness in the Kingdom of God is defined.

Effective Ministry During Jesus' Earthly Absence (Mark 9:14-29)

Sunday, August 28, 2022 •

The disciples had effectively ministered for Jesus during a previous assignment (ch.6), but while Jesus was atop the mountain, a foreshadowing of His future resurrection, ascension, and indefinite absence, they discovered their previous abilities now seemingly ineffective. Why?

A Shining Reminder (Mark 9:1-13)

Sunday, August 21, 2022 •

After Jesus' rebuke of Peter for his myopic view of the Messiah, the disciples were obviously reeling from disappointment. What could Jesus do to encourage them to remain faithful even in their confusion? He gave them a "picture" they would carry with them for the rest of their days.

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